Prescribed Insurance for NDIS Service Providers - Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance


Why you need insurance

PODCAST discussing MY NDIS INSURANCE- an avantgarge and impromtu discussion.

Professional Indemnity “Medical Malpractice Insurance” combined with Public Liability Insurance covers you when your advice, your actions or your products cause harm to other people or property.

We know that you are probably buying this insurance to meet the requirements of your NDIS audit requirements, but seriously, it could mean you keep your house if something goes wrong, so keep reading.

Whatever your reason for wanting cover, we keep it as affordable as we can.

Who we cover

We’ll look at anyone’s insurance needs and will help you to find other cover if, under this application, we can’t insure you. focusses on insuring professionals who are NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) registered service providers. We cover you for the professions within the area of your licenced profession. Very few of these people create products of any sort, so we only provide products insurance by special request.

You can click here to see the list of professions we insure

Why two policies?

Having separate Professional Indemnity “Medical Malpractice” and Public Liability options gives you the ability to choose the value of your cover for each policy – it gives you more options. They also overlap slightly, so it’s harder for a claim to fall through the gap between Public Liability and Professional Indemnity “Medical Malpractice”.

It gives you the comfort of knowing that your risks are covered correctly and meet the requirement of the NDIS Auditor.

Professional Indemnity “Medical Malpractice”

Insurance that covers you against certain claims made against you in response to the professional services that you have provided.

You can choose between cover to the value of $1 million, $2 million, $5 million or $10 million.

Your policy is yours alone. This is not a shared limit policy, it is a legal contract guaranteeing the limit of liability.

Public Liability

When you work anywhere, public liability insurance protects you if you injure someone, damage or lose property that does not belong to you.

You can choose from cover to the value of $10 million or $20 million per claim.

The policy is yours alone – this is not a shared limit policy.

Rules for both policies

The minimum period for cover is 12 months.

Cover can be arranged up to TWO months (start date up to 60 days ahead) before the start date of the policy.

The policy applies to the individual or entity that is insured – including employees of the entity if declared in the application.

Sub-contractors must arrange their own insurance separately and must also have been audited and approved to provide services under the NDIS.

You cannot guarantee the outcome of the services you provide, so we won’t insure you against failing to deliver on a fixed price you have quoted.

We will not insure ‘acts of negligence with a deliberate intent to cause or inflict harm’ – so unintentional or accidental negligence is covered but deliberate negligence is not.

What is not covered

Products: Neither of our policies cover products. If you do produce or sell a product – and some of our policy holders do – we can arrange cover, but we can’t do it online. Call us on 1300 799 950.

The insurance does not cover:

  • Workers compensation claims (you need specific Workers Compensation cover for that for that). If you are a sole trader, you may need Personal Accident cover.
  • Activities outside the scope of your profession unless they are included as part of your licence
  • An entity engaged who has (or who should have) their own insurance
  • Activity that is not directly related to the professional services licence that you are seeking to insure – so if you are in trade as well, you may need separate insurance for your trade (just ask us if you are uncertain, call 1300 799 950)
  • Any dishonest, malicious or illegal acts
  • Your business assets – you need to have separate cover for this
  • Any claim made, or action instituted, outside Australia
  • Loss or liability arising from ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity (this is a standard clause in all insurance policies)
  • War and terrorism (this is a standard clause in all insurance policies)
  • Promises that you make in contracts that may be unfair, though we do cover you for your liability ‘at law’ whether or not a contract exists or existed
  • Errors in contracts that would not be approved at law
  • Any fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages unless accepted by the insurer
  • Any negligence in connection with the estimate of your professional services – so you cannot claim for losses you make because you did not quote the right price for the work
  • Any claims for liability arising out you failing to meet contractual requirements relating to output, efficiency or durability – UNLESS the failure relates to a negligent act, error or omission that you make during the professional conduct of your Business
  • For greater detail please refer to the policy document.

Your policy documentation

You can login to your account to view and download your certificate of insurance.

Your NDIS Providers Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance policy is here and policy schedule here..

Examples of our clients

You can click here to see the list of our professional services listings.

Our underwriters

EnviroSure NDIS Providers Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance is underwritten by Vero, which traces its roots back to Australia’s first insurance company, Derwent and Tamar Insurance, and is part of the Suncorp group.

Visit for more information about Vero.

Relationship with Delaney Kelly Golding Insurance Brokers (DKG)

EnviroSure and are trading names of Insurance Choice Pty Ltd which operates as a corporate authorised representative (AR269649) under the licence of Delaney Kelly Golding Pty Ltd (ABN 35000663221) AFSL Number 231146.